
All Aboard! The Christmas Train!

Samantha had her Kindergarten Christmas play last night! Here are some videos. This one is "All Aboard, The Christmas Train!" Sammie is in white. Don't get confused, her friend Cydnie has the same blue and black dress Sam wore to Val's wedding.

"Here Comes Santa Claus!"

I asked her about this afterwards. She said she was nervous because of all the people watching. I still think it is cute. There was one more video but I couldn't get it to load right, and well, I have other things to do! So this is a picture of Sam and her friend Cydnie before the play.

The End!

1 comment:

Sabrina O'Malley said...

I'm so happy to hear about all your blessings. You are an example to me. The girls are really growing up. Tell them hello from us and Merry Christmas to you all.