
Good Thing Day #5: Nothing! (read on)

Today, the good thing that happened is the fact that nothing happened.  It was just a great day with lots of family time. I got some cleaning and organizing done, Bryan took/picked up some stuff to the storage that had been cluttering our house, the oldest two girls went to the library for Lego Day (Well, Sam took Laci), and we watched Legend of the Guardians as a family.  So today, my good thing is plain old down time, without somewhere to be, or errands that could wait til next weekend. :)

3 Things I am grateful for:
1. I love that S & L are getting older. They are turning out to be strong and independent young women, with big hearts and a desire to do good.
2. I love having J & K around to make me feel young again, and remind me to have joy in simple things.
3. Microwaves.

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