
One Good Thing #22

Wow, I can't believe it's already been over 3 weeks since I start of this project. It has been interesting to watch it transform. I have gone from looking for things to be grateful for and a good thing that happens each day, to hoping and praying that I don't forget whatever it was that happened by the end of the day!
Today was it pretty average day when it comes to motherhood. potty training is always an adventure. And I think that's all I have to say about that!

The thing that made my day today was something that Jayce did.  I had just finished changing his diaper a few minutes before, so I was still on the floor.  He got up, walked over to the wrapped up diaper and picked it up. I was going to stop him, but I decided to see what he was going to do instead.  He examined it a moment, then proceeded to toddle over to the diaper pail by the door, open it, and put the diaper inside. He closed it, and continued on with his exploring!  How awesome is that?  Barely one, and already throwing away his diapers.

Three things I am grateful for:
1. My amazing kids.  Heavenly Father has blessed me so much.
2. Oreo Pizza
3. Summer Thunderstorms.

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