
The Adventure Continues

As we were preparing for Christmas, I found myself saying to Bryan, "Just think, next year we will be somewhere completely new, with our little family, enjoying the holidays together, reflecting on the year passed."  I knew change was coming, I did not expect it to come this quickly.  It is amazing to me, when we do our best to do what is right, and make wise decisions, putting our trust in Lord, how things that seem so big and scary, just fall into place.

As you have probably figured out, Bryan has finished his degree, all except a class that was neglected by his guidance counselor, that he found out, during finals week, he needed to have taken in order to graduate.  This is after his counselor insisted he did not need it.  Luckily, this class has nothing to do with his area of study, and he can take it online.

Over the last several months, Bryan and I have been considering our options, trying to decide where and what we wanted to do when we got to this point in his schooling.  At first, we were planning on Bryan going on to get his Master's in Medical Physics, from an accredited school.  That would take us out of the state of Utah.  Over the course of time, that plan has been changed. Instead, Bryan would like to find a job right away, and build stability for the family.  Okay, so that was our plan.

The next step would be deciding where we wanted to be. It was decided that we wanted somewhere it didn't snow, yet something new (Arizona and California off the list). That is when we decided on Texas.  I was still willing to go other places, but in my heart of hearts, I knew it was where I wanted to be.  Come to find out, there are a lot of jobs in the science industry over there.  And actually, in all his research of what is available in Texas, he has become interested in Nuclear Physics instead.  He would love to work at a power plant.

It seems since we made this decision, everything has fallen into place. We have become very interested in Houston. We have applied for an apartment, and we find out either Monday, or Tuesday if we get it.  If that happens, we will be moving the following week. The apartment is huge, compared to here, and for nearly the same price.  We are very excited for the warmer weather, and just simply starting a new life.

I will have to take a lot of my rehabilitation into my own hands, which has me a little worried.  But, I think I can do it.  I plan on taking Kolo on walks, and taking advantage of the weather.  I also look forward to the extra space for my yoga mat, and having room to do some of my PT exercises I learned in PT. Not to mention, I will be cleaning my own apartment still.  It is my hope I will continue lose weight, and gain more stamina. We plan on taking my manual chair out of the van, and have me use my crutches a lot more often when we go places.

I am going to miss my neighbors, our family, our ward, and dear forever friends here in Salt Lake.  I will miss my doctors and the convenience of the hospital.  I will miss my amazing Physical Therapist who has become a very close friend.  Not to mention, this will take us further from my family in Arizona. But, it is just that time to open the next chapter in the story of life. I will not miss the snow.  I will not miss the cold.  I will not miss the cinder block walls!

I am excited for this new adventure that awaits.  I am thrilled to see what Heavenly Father has in store.  I know, wherever we go, we have our little family, and we have the knowledge of the gospel, in knowing that if we strive to do what is best, then what lays in store will be better than we have ever imagined!  So I say, let the next adventure begin!

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