
One Good Thing #7: My Glass Balls

Tonight we had Family Home Evening. It was slightly chaotic with a busy two year old and one year old, but it was so nice to gather the family together after a lot of busy times, and just enjoy eachother. I am grateful that Sam took it upon herself to make sure it happened. She made brownies and made up a game, teaching us what we can do to be more like Jesus. Even Kayla said the prayer, Laci led us in "I Am a Child of God, and Jayce participated by trying to eat the dice.

More and more recently, I am being reminded and guided to putting my family first. I have a new business, in Direct Sales with Younique, and I love it. I love that it's whole foundation is to provide a way for mothers who would otherwise have to work, to stay home and fulfill their most important role: Motherhood. Granted, I have never had a job, but, I love that I can now work. Without having to leave my home(not that I can, anyway)

My friend, Ashley, recently went to a leadership retreat with Younique, and this is what she had to say: "So today, I'm thankful that I learned the difference between my "Glass" Balls in my life and the "Rubber" Balls in my life. As Melanie, the Younique Founder talked about how our Glass balls are the things in our lives that should be and are most precious to us. And the rubber ball can be important, but if you drop them they will keep bouncing and you can pick them up later when you taken care of the glass balls. As she talked about this concept it really hit home to me and made me really emotional. I decided my glass balls need to be my children, my husband and my faith in God. I need to set a schedule for myself and that it's ok to drop all the other rubber balls in my life when the glass ones need a little more attention. I need to hold them close and care from them. I need to protect them and not let them break. When my children need me I need to drop the rubber balls and be there for them. I learned that it's ok for priorities to change. To set times to work. Starting yesterday, my phone doesn't need to be in my hand 24/7. My team can wait when my Glass balls need extra attention. I'm so grateful to be a part of something where they teach us it's ok to be a mom first. So today, I'm grateful for my lessons I learned about the glass balls in my life."

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